Sleep Insights

Sleep Disorder

Getting Comfortable with Your CPAP Machine

It may be summer, but we want you to fall in love with your CPAP machine. After completing your sleep apnea test, we are sure you have a lot of questions about how CPAP machines work and we’re here to...


What Happens to the Brain After Chronic Sleep Deprivation

Sleep is essential for our brains and bodies; it is a basic human need, just like eating, drinking and breathing. When we become sleep-deprived, we may experience a myriad of negative effects, such as...


Breaking Down the Recent Revelations About Narcolepsy

Between 135,000 and 200,000 Americans are living with narcolepsy, but the true total may be much higher because many patients do not reach out to sleep consultants after noticing symptoms. Others do not...


Can Cutting Out Meat Improve Sleep? And Other Dietary Tips

Millions of Americans struggle with chronic sleep issues. The CDC reports that more than a third of adults fail to get adequate sleep on a regular basis. There are many factors that inform an individual’s...


What Happens When We Snore

For as long as there has been sleep, there has been snoring. In fact, ancient texts, Shakespeare and even the holy books of major world religions reference to snoring. Most everyone snores at some point...

Sleep Disorder

Experiencing Insomnia Right Now? Read This.

It’s weird how loud quiet can be, huh? The buzzing of appliances, the whir of distant cars and even our own breath hammers at the silence of these sleepless nights. Even the volume on the TV seems calibrated...


What to Expect During Your Whitney Sleep Physician Consultation

Good sleep is one of the most important components of a healthy life. Getting enough high-quality sleep can transform one’s lifestyle and pave the way for better energy levels and a lower risk of health...

Sleep Disorder

How Autoimmune Diseases Can Impact Your Sleep

Living with an autoimmune disease is challenging to say the least. There are currently more than 100 recognized autoimmune diseases impacting over 20 million Americans. Each unique in their symptomatology...


A Recipe For Good Sleep: Evening Snacks to Help Your Slumber

As the saying goes, “You are what you eat.” Food is an essential part of our physical health, and that includes sleep. While many people know what foods they should avoid in the evening, such as very...

Sleep Disorder

What You Need to Know About Periodic Limb Movement Disorder

Periodic Limb Movement Disorder (PLMD), formerly known as sleep myoclonus or nocturnal myoclonus, is a disruptive sleep disorder marked by repetitive limb movements during non-REM sleep. Frequency and...