Has this ever happened to you?: You’re sleeping peacefully, dreaming away, when suddenly a loud rumble takes over like a tropical storm is bursting into your bedroom. No, it’s not an earthquake or sudden indoor typhoon…it’s just the person sleeping next to you.
Snoring is more than simply an annoyance; it can actually wreak havoc on your physical and mental health. Keep reading to see how you’re snore could be putting you at risk.
It may be obvious, but sleeping next to a snorer (or being one yourself) does, in fact, cause sleep deprivation. The consistent disruption of one’s sleep cycle leads to excessive fatigue throughout the day, limiting mental stability and focus.
It is not surprising, then, that snorers and their victims are at a higher risk of accidental injury throughout the day, since sleep deprivation leaves bodies ill-equipped for necessary recovery. Not only that, but studies at Umea University have shown that snoring actually causes the nerves and soft-palate tissue in the upper respiratory system to weaken and even fail.
We aren’t just talking about your “take one aspirin and you’ll be fine” kind of headache. Though lack of REM sleep can cause headaches due to excessive fatigue, the constant lack of sleep caused by snoring can lead to an entire host of aches and pains making recovery that much more difficult.
As snoring causes long-lasting issues with breathing and other respiratory functions, the lack of oxygen to the brain causes the nerves to go into overdrive, leading to anything from small headaches to 24-hour migraines. Learn more about the links to snoring and chronic headaches at the American Migraine Foundation’s website.
Weight Gain
Our bodies rely on restful sleep to reset our body’s natural functions and systems overnight. Therefore, it’s easy to see how a lack of sleep can have a detrimental effect on our physical structure and functions. When we lose sleep, we have less energy to expend and therefore less daily activity and a significantly slowed metabolism. Long story short: want that beach body? Better get in those 8 hours!
Decreased Libido
Losing sleep because a growling bear has started hogging the sheets next to you is NOT a turn-on. Studies of male snorers conducted on over 800 of the country’s super-snorers, found that snorers themselves are over two times more likely to report lower sex drive and satisfaction than non-snorers…and they’re not even the ones hearing it all night.
Heart Disease
Snoring, in its simplest form, is an obstruction of one’s airway, caused by a variety of illnesses, disorders and habits. When you snore, oxygen is being cut off from your lungs, leading to spikes in hormones like adrenaline and cortisone. These sudden, dramatic increases in hormones negatively affect blood pressure and flow to the heart, leading to increased risk of heart failure, attacks, and other complications.
Schedule An Appointment
If you’re concerned about you or a loved one’s snoring, don’t wait! Schedule a visit to be evaluated at Whitney Sleep Center today. We encourage you to set up an appointment at one of our Minnesota locations. Get better sleep: contact us today at masonw@whitneysleepcenter.com or visit our website.