It’s almost impossible to avoid screen time. It’s all around us: cell phones, tablets, computers and televisions.
Screen time is even more enhanced as more people are working from home and more children are learning from home.
While technology is quite useful, there’s a good chance that all of this screen time is negatively impacting your sleep.
Here’s what screen time is doing to your sleep patterns and what you can do about it:
The Blue Light
The electronic devices that we stare at throughout the day emit a blue light that actually suppresses melatonin, which is the body’s hormone that helps us sleep.
The blue light can confuse your body’s internal clock which impacts when your body naturally wants to fall asleep or wake up.
A way to combat this is to, of course, limit your screen time. However, that’s not always an option. Considering purchasing blue light blocking glasses to wear throughout the day if you’re constantly looking at a screen. This will limit your exposure and will help limit headaches and eye strain.
Your Body Needs To Calm Down
Before going to bed, many of us will watch television or scroll through social media on our phone. This can cause sleep deprivation due to the fact that our brain’s neurons increase and act to stimulate the brain, rather than calm it down.
Plus, if you’re looking at your work email or something similar before going to bed, this can cause stress and force your mind to think about all of the tasks you need to accomplish the next day. Try to clear your mind and think about peaceful topics that will calm you down rather than work you up.
Children Are More At Risk
Children need more sleep to develop and function. Depending on their age, there will always been temptations for your children when it comes to screen time. Whether that’s video games, texting late at night, television or social media, it’s important to minimize screen time as your child approaches their bedtime.
Instead of putting your child in front of a screen, try to have them focus on a book or perhaps journaling before bed. That’s not an easy task, surely, but it’s a way to improve your child’s sleep habits.
Get Back To A Good Night Of Sleep
If you’re concerned about your quality of sleep, schedule a visit to be evaluated at Whitney Sleep. We encourage you to set up an appointment at one of our Minnesota locations. Get better sleep: contact us today at or visit our website.